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2017 is ending and your man never proposed to you? Take these 6 drastic steps

As ladies, most of us enter into relationships with the aim of finding the future husband who will spend the rest of their lives with us.

At a moment when we are so prepared to tie the knot and start a family, we also get to find out that time is running out so fast. The relationship that we started years ago still seem what it is...a Relationship and not a marriage. Most of us fear to approach our man,
sit him down and talk to him about real life issues. Issues about what happens in the next few years and whether or not you still remain relevant to their love life.

In this article, tips up specific things you need to do after dating a guy for some time but never has popped up the question.

1. Ask the hard questions.
Never make conclusions when you realise he never popped up the question of seeking your hand in marriage. Sometimes it is all a matter of asking the right questions to get the needed answers. Asking the right questions can not only give you the best answers but also get you think along the same lines with your lover.

2. Re-evaluate the relationship
It is always important to think about your relationship if indeed your man has not popped up the question the whole of 2017. With a new year beckoning, it will be very important to look into your relationship once again to find out what exactly is going wrong in your relationship. You will be surprised at the answers you get.

3. Lead him on
Men always would love to be led on to pleasure lands. No one would want to do anything by themselves. You will be surprised to note that many Ghanaian men love to see their lovers leading them on. Marriage is never a one-man thing. You need to start up the conversion and who knows!

4. Assess yourself
As ladies, we often tend to blame anything on men but most of the issues we face are never about them. If he has not popped up the question, you need to assess yourself. There could be some bad habits he finds worrying. Or maybe he takes you to be that image of pleasure whenever he s bored.

5. Change things
Noting will change in your relationship until you change it yourself. As women, we have the power of making our relationship either a successful one or a painful memory. Without us, relationships are Bound not to be successful and this is the more reason why you have
the power to make your relationship what exactly you need.

6. Walking away or staying
If a relationship does not work, it will be left for us to either stay in it or move on with our lives. After all, we are in a relationship not just to experience love but also fulfill our heartfelt dream of getting married to the man or woman that we most love.

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