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How To Make Money From Your Music (Merchandise)


Musicians have more control now than ever before over the success of their careers. Gone are the days of needing to impress executives for a life changing record deal. You can record, distribute, sell, stream, and promote your music all on your own by using affordable, and sometimes free, tools and platforms such as ayooghana.com
There are many ways an artist can make money aside the popular ones we all know. On Today's episode we are going to talk about how a musician can make money off Merchandise. So one may ask What Is Merchandise.

Merchandise refers to any type of goods, including personal or commercial products, as well as commodities that are sold to members of the public (retail) or other businesses (wholesale). Merchandise may also refer to ‘freebies’ – promotional items. An example of a freebie merchandise might be a T-shirt with a slogan or logo that a politician gives out to people during an election campaign.

Things Needed to Help you Sell Your merchandise.
- Create A Design.
- Find A Store
- Find Your Audience

Selling merch can generate significant revenue for musicians, both by selling merch online and at live shows. T-shirts, CDs, and smaller items like mugs, buttons, and stickers are usually good sellers. The next thing you will need to factor is how you are going to promote and distribute your merchandise. If it’s something that you make at home, you’ll need to handle shipping on your own. If you rely on a third-party shop to create your orders on-demand, the process becomes streamlined.

You’ll also need to decide how much to charge your fans for this merchandise. You don’t want to go broke selling merchandise. The entire point is to make money. So, you’ll need to charge more than you spend.

Determine the total cost of producing the item. For example, if you’re selling a T-shirt, determine how much it costs to have the T-shirt made.
You should charge between an additional 50% to 100% of your total cost. So, if something costs $10 to produce and ship, you should charge $15 to $20.

The final step is to market your merchandise. You can do this by sending out social media posts.

We can help you create brand logo design for your merchandise , click on the link below to to get in touch wa.me/c/233500434966

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