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Things You Must Do To Become a Better Musician


Gone were the days when we used to Sell CDS to people on street but things have changed in this 21st century. The music industry has always been competitive, and many new musicians asked themselves "Are we fit to make it?". Turning Music from passion into a career is one difficult task. If You want to become a professional musician here are some things you need to know.

Practice Techniques
This may seem like an obvious one, but the point we want to make is that simply playing your instrument is necessarily not the same as practicing.

When professional musician practices their instrument, they go through scales (or rudiments) repeatedly, working hard to improve their technique. Set yourself a dedicated practice or warm-up regime for each day to burn those scales into your memory.

Not only should you practice scales and exercises to maintain your abilities, but you should also challenge yourself to master something new as often as possible.
Set Yourself Goals
Set yourself realistic targets at every opportunity and work towards them, whether that’s learning a certain scale by heart during one practice, or mastering a full song by the end of the week.

These might be short-term goals such as practicing for 60 mins each day or learning a new piece. Or it could be more of a long-term goal like putting on a full performance.

By accomplishing set goals, you’ll enjoy a greater sense of achievement as your skills begin to develop and approach each practice session with a more productive attitude.
Perhaps the most important quality in a musician looking to perfect their instrument is patience, especially if you’re just starting out. No one becomes a virtuoso overnight, so if you hit a wall, don’t worry, just keep going until you get it right. It takes a lot of time and effort to be a truly great musician. 

By accomplishing set goals, you’ll enjoy a greater sense of achievement as your skills begin to develop and approach each practice session with a more productive attitude

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